A Big Week for Ethereum: DappCon 2022, EthBerlin3, and The Merge

As many in the broader Web3 community are circling their calendars for The Merge, estimated to land sometime between Sept. 10-20, the Obol team will be traveling to Berlin to spend time with the Ethereum community for two big events: DappCon and EthBerlin.

The Merge brings PoS Ethereum closer to prime time, and with it, a new landscape of problems to solve and technologies to be built. Over the past few months the core Ethereum community has finally stopped at the DVT station to learn more about distributed validator technology and its role in creating a scalable, antifragile staking infrastructure in a fully merged network. The last few years of research, dev, and testing by our core team and the broader ecosystem has left us ready to make the push for mainnet DVT on a fully merged network. It’s never too late to get involved, and wherever you are in your discovery of DVT, we’ve got you covered.

For those looking for a primer, our co-founders, Collin and Oisin, will be giving a keynote on the first day of DappCon (Sept. 12th @ 11:25AM) about the current state of the technology and how DVT will radically scale Ethereum staking infrastructure.

For devs or validators that are looking to get hands-on with creating a distributed validator, we will be holding workshops at both DappCon and EthBerlin. At EthBerlin we will attempt to create the largest distributed validator cluster in the world!! This is a great chance for everyone to get involved with DVT in a way that shows how the technology can be used to bring communities together to protect stakers and the Ethereum Network.

And between these events, the entire team will be running around Berlin to meet with as many people as we can. Here’s where you can find us.

DappCon: Sept. 12-14 @ Radialsystem

DappCon is an annual conference focused on Ethereum infrastructure and dapps, which we're headline sponsoring this year.

Keynote Presentation: How Distributed Validator Technology will radically scale Ethereum staking infrastructure

Date/Time: Sept. 12th, 11:25AM

Looking to go deeper on the current state of DVT and why it will become the most important primitive post-Merge? Collin and Oisin were two of the first people looking at the DVT space, and they will share their insights about DVT now and into the future. If you’re looking to get a 25-minute crash course on DVT, this is a session you don’t want to miss!

Workshop: Create Distributed Validators with Obol on Ethereum

Date/Time: Sept. 14th, 10:00AM

This is your chance to get hands on with DVT technology. Chris, our product lead, and Oisin, our CTO, will be leading everyone through the creation process of a DV. You can feel first hand the experience of running a Distributed Key Generation ceremony and setting up a DV cluster. We’ll also be giving out a special Obol Workshop POAP for everyone that participates!

EthBerlin: Sept. 16-18 @ Factory Berlin

EthBerlin is a 700+ person hackathon, which we are providing bounties for and running a hands-on DVT workshop.

Workshop: Create a Distributed Validator with EthBerlin hackers (and create the world’s largest DV cluster)!

Date/Time: Sept. 16th, 8:45PM

To make sure DVT is ready for mainnet, we need to get the tech into the hands of devs who are used to pushing limits. At EthBerlin, we’ll test to see just how many participants can join a DV cluster. We’ll aim to create a 30+ person DV cluster (!!) with participating hackers to get people familiar with the technology and test the limits on just how large a single DV cluster can be. If the participants can keep the node online, the cluster will gain access to the Obol Network’s Athena testing program and future testing efforts (like our Bia Attack Net).

At both events, we’ll have a fully manned Obol booth where you can always chat with the team and ask any questions you have about DVT or the Obol Network.

(We’ll also be giving out some pretty sweet swag!)

Obol-branded Airpod covers (being given out at DappCon)

DVT is about to enter prime time

DVT as a primitive is critical to enabling trust-minimized, antifragile staking infrastructure, which will improve the resiliency and scale of Ethereum staking. Now that The Merge is right around the corner, scaling staking is the next big hurdle in the continued development of Ethereum. In Berlin, we will bring staking and DVT to center stage.

Let’s connect! 🤝